Dr. Sharshan and Soles of Luv have partnered to provide shoes for students at Dixon! This week, volunteers from the organization visited our school to fit students for brand new shoes. Soles of Luv is a non-profit organization funded by generous donors and corporate sponsorships. The mission of Soles of Luv is simple, to supply new shoes and socks to the children of the Mahoning Valley, but their impact is far-reaching and long-lasting to those they serve.
We thank them for their incredible contributions to our kids!
Head over to our Facebook for additional pics and info on Soles of Luv!
Dixon Transportation: Buses # 5 and 8 may be running late this afternoon due to a stopped train on the tracks. Thanks for your patience.
Dixon: Buses #5 and #8 will be running late this afternoon as there is a stopped train on the tracks. Please expect up to a 20 minute delay. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Columbiana Fire Dept and Santa Claus.
The Columbiana Marching Pride Band was the highLIGHT of the 2022 Christmas Parade! Featuring the Grinch!
The Columbiana Middle and Elementary Schools show off their talent at the 2022 Columbiana Christmas Parade!
Dixon: Bus #4 is running about 10-15 mins late this afternoon. Your child will arrive home after the normal drop off time. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Have a wonderful weekend!
Dixon: Buses 2 and 9 may be running slightly late this afternoon (Friday 11/4/22).
Dixon Parade of Costumes reminder: please do not park on N. Middle, this is the parade route, in fact, N. Middle will be blocked off at 1:45. Students will be re-entering the building following the parade to attend a fall celebration. A lost and found table will be under the awning outside the front door and if you still haven't picked up your child's pumpkin, please do so. Happy Fall!
Dixon: Parade start time is 2pm sharp. Reminder that school appropriate masks and costume embellishments are appropriate. Please leave costume knives, swords etc. at home. Students may come to school with minimal face paint (if costume requires) to wear through the day in preparation for the costume parade. We're looking forward to tomorrow's festivities.
Dixon: Additionally, as previously stated in our newsletters, our tardy bell is 8:25am. Students arriving after that will need to be signed in by a parent/guardian and will be marked tardy. If a traffic back-up beyond our control occurs and causes arrival to be a bit later than 8:25, those cars already in line will remain and students will enter as normal and not be marked tardy. Thank you for understanding our need to protect instruction time as our first period begins promptly at 8:30.
Dixon: Regarding tomorrow’s fall fun day festivities. Parents are welcome to to the parade of costumes. Weather permitting, we will be outside and parents are can line up on N. Middle in front of the building. If it rains, we will parade through the gym and parents can fill the bleachers and side walls. Once the parade is over, students will return to their classrooms for a fall celebration.
Dixon Parents: Tomorrow morning (10/26/22) BUS #2 will be arriving at stops about 15 minutes EARLY! Bus #9 will be running about 5-10 min. late. Please plan accordingly and thank you for your understanding.
Joshua Dixon: Please click on the link below to see Red Ribbon Week and Fall Funday Reminders within the Dixon Nov./Dec. 2022 Newsletter! Thanks and have a great day.
Dixon Reminder: Today 9/30/22 is our Annual School-Community Pep Rally. Dixon students will be returning to Dixon for NORMAL dismissal routines and times. As stated on the permission slip, those without permission will remain in a supervised setting at Dixon. No students will be dismissed from the stadium. We will all return to Dixon for normal dismissal procedures. Thank you.
Bus #6 is running about 15-20 mins late today, Thurs. Sept. 29, 2022. Thank you for your patience.
Dixon: Bus #6 will be running approximately 15 minutes late this afternoon 9/28/2022. Thank you for your understanding.
Head over to our District Facebook Page to see our highlight video of Muffins with Grandparents/Special Person! @ColumbianaSchoolsClippers
Dixon: Reminder, tonight is Family Literacy Night at Joshua Dixon from 5:00-7:00. Come and join the fun...books, bounce, and treats!!!
Dixon: Bus #8 will be running approximately 10 minutes late this afternoon (9/13/22). Thank you for your patience and understanding.