Reminder: Joshua Dixon Elementary Annual Open House is this evening from 5:00-6:30. Students may bring in supplies, meet their teacher, and participate in an Open House Scavenger Hunt. PTO, Nutrition, Inc, and School Bus Drivers will be available this evening as well.
The start time for all 1st-4th graders tomorrow is 8:15. The tardy bell is at 8:30, and a Grab-N-Go Breakfast will be available until 8:45.
Important arrival and dismissal paperwork will be on each students' desk this evening within our Open House packet of information.
Hope to see you soon.
Welcome Back to School! The Joshua Dixon Aug.-Sept. 2021 Newsletter was sent to parent emails that we currently have on-file. In case you did not receive an email, you can retrieve the newsletter from our webpage under documents or by clicking on this link:
Additional reminders:
Class Lists Post-Aug. 23 at 4:00
Open House-Aug. 24 5:00-6:30
First Day for 1st-4th-Aug. 25
PreK ELA Testing Aug. 25-27
Kdg. KRA Testing Aug. 25-27
First Day for PreK and Kdg.-Aug. 30
Good evening,
Welcome Back! I hope everyone had a wonderful summer. I am so excited for the new school year. Lots will be the same, but some changes will be implemented, beginning with the time schedule. In order to have our wonderful Art Teacher, Mrs. Zelonish, with us for four full periods, our start time was adjusted by five minutes. Student specials will be 35 minutes, lunch and recess will be 40 minutes, and we will also be adding a Social-Emotional Wellness class once a week for all students, which will be taught by our school counselor, Mrs. Raub-Carney.
Please click on the following links for important documents or they can also be found under the documents icon on our webpage :
Supply lists were in spring report cards and the PreK and K letters are also being mailed to families.
Enjoy the remainder of summer break and especially the family time!
See you soon,
Mrs. Sharshan, Principal
Joshua Dixon 21-22 Time Schedule
Joshua Dixon 21-22 Important Dates
Joshua Dixon 21-22 Supply List
Joshua Dixon 21-21 PreK Letter
Joshua Dixon 21-22 K Letter
Joshua Dixon Reminder: Today (Fri. 5/28) is an EARLY RELEASE DAY from school. Dixon will be on an adjusted lunch and recess schedule and dismissal will begin for WALKERS AND CAR RIDERS AT 12:55 and BUS RIDERS will load as busses arrive between 1:00 and 1:30. Thank you for sharing your children with us and best wishes for a happy and safe summer!
We are so excited to release our next Connecting with the Clippers series, a spotlight on the Class of 2021. CHS seniors talk about their high school memories, future plans after graduation, and all of the activities they participated in during their high school career at CHS. The videos will be released in a series. Congratulations to the Columbiana High School Class of 2021! Please click on the link below to see the video. We will send similar notifications when more videos are released.
The Columbiana Exempted Village School District students have a special message for their teachers for Teacher Appreciation Week. The district is thankful for its dedicated and amazing teaching staff!
Click on the link below to hear thank you messages from K-12 students.
Current 4th Grade Students/Parents:
Mr. Miller will host a Band Orientation/Registration Night tomorrow evening (4/27) from 5:00-8:00 pm for current 4th grade students and parents. This event will be held in the high school auditorium.
Questions can be sent directly to Mr. Miller at:
Have a great day & Go Clips!
Dixon: Good Morning. Our apologies for any inconvenience, but due to a stopped train, ALL BUSES will be running late this morning (Monday, April 26, 2021). Thank you.
Dixon: Parents of Bus Riders we have a stopped train on the tracks that may cause some buses, particularly bus #2 to be running late today, Tuesday, April 20, 2021. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding.
Parents of bus riders, there is a stopped train and buses may be running behind this morning (3/19/21) and/or a different bus may be picking students up. Please be patient and thank you for your understanding.
Click on the link below to see a slideshow of Dr. Seuss Day.
Second Grade had its annual Fairy Tale Reunion.
Click on the link below to see the "magical" day.
The Columbiana Exempted Village Schools will be closed, Tuesday, February 16. Evening activities may also be closed. A notification will be sent if additional closings take place. Thank you.
The Columbiana Exempted and Village School District will be on a two hour delay today, February 9. There will be no a.m. preschool. All starting times will be two hours later. Transportation will be two hours later than their regular pick up time for the 2020 2021 school year.
Joshua Dixon Families: Please be aware that due to a railroad closing on Pittsburgh Street, buses may be running slightly behind schedule this afternoon-Friday, January 29, 2021.
Joshua Dixon Families-This message is specifically for those picking students up at the end of the day. I would like to request that parents DO NOT make a second row for dismissal until we come out and move traffic up. Parents picking-up preschool students are not able to pull out of their parking spot once the 2nd row pulls up. I will have signage out as a reminder. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Mrs. Sharshan
Joshua Dixon Return Reminders: In-person education begins again on Tuesday, January 19, 2021. Please remember that there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 18, 2021. Arrival is still 8:55-9:10 a.m. Student drop-off is out front, and students are encouraged to exit cars all along the side walk. As to not block traffic on Salem St. or Stanton Ave., and especially to keep the alley clear for buses, traffic may be directed in the beginning. If your child has a school-owned device and they are returning in-person, please send back the Ipad or Chromebook on Tuesday. The 2nd grading period/1st semester ended today. Report cards will be coming home on Wednesday, January 27th instead of the original date of Friday, January 22nd. This will allow students ample time to complete and return all outstanding work. Those students remaining remote, will receive packets and instructions from their teachers. We hope everyone is looking forward to the return to school as much as we are. We miss the children and cannot wait to see their smiling faces. Happy New Year to All, have a great weekend and Welcome Back!
Joshua Dixon: Any families that requested breakfast and lunch during remote instruction may pick it up DAILY at Dixon from 2:00-4:00 p.m. Today's items are ready for pickup in the front lobby. Don't forget, this service is daily from 2:00-4:00 up to and including Friday, December 18th.
Dixon Families: The Dixon Office will be open normal hours from Tuesday, December 15, 2020-Friday, December 18, 2020. Feel free to buzz the front doors for packet pickup and/or giving tree gift drop-off. Many are familiar with the pick-up and drop-off of remote packets. The tubs are in the front entrance labeled with teacher names. Student packets will be in those tubs by the end of the day tomorrow for the remainder of the week, and as packets are completed they can be returned. Classroom teachers also have individual expectations that they will be sharing with families. Your continued understanding, patience, and support are so very appreciated. We are blessed to live in such a wonderful community. Have a great evening. Any questions, please email
Joshua Dixon Families: Wanting to keep students and staff as healthy as we can heading into the holiday season, BEGINNING DEC. 7-18, we will be changing our learning platform from traditional in-person to HYBRID. Nothing will change for students that are currently all remote. From December 7-18, this is what the schedule will look like…
PRESCHOOLERS-attendance will remain as NORMAL.
Current REMOTE learners will continue to do what they already have in place using teacher provided packets and/or on-line materials. Whatever you already do, keep doing. This is strictly for those that are already REMOTE.
In order to increase social distancing, students currently in-person learning, will now be an Aviator or a Pilot. The schedule is below:
M and W Aviators IN-PERSON/Pilots REMOTE
T and TH Pilots IN-PERSON/Aviators REMOTE
*Friday December 11th Aviators IN-PERSON/Pilots REMOTE
*Friday December 18th Pilots IN-PERSON/Aviators REMOTE
*The Friday your child attends he/she is welcome to wear pajamas to celebrate our annual Polar Express Day!
Thank you for your understanding and continued support as we work our way through these extenuating circumstances together. Have a super evening.