CMS: We are sending home information packets regarding the District Pep Rally that will be held on Friday, September 17th at 1:00 pm. You can also view these documents below: Parent Information: Permission Form (to be returned no later than Monday, 9/13): T-Shirt Sale Form: If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out (330-482-5354). Have a great weekend and Go Clips!
over 3 years ago, Jason Martin
District Pep Rally
Excellent evening of volleyball action. Great win in two set 8th grade! Go Clips!
over 3 years ago, Jason Martin
8th grade volleyball
8th grade volleyball
Congratulations 7th grade Clippers. Nice win in 2 sets!
over 3 years ago, Jason Martin
7th grade volleyball
7th grade volleyball
Congratulations 7th grade Clippers. Nice win in 2 sets!
over 3 years ago, Jason Martin
7th grade volleyball
7th grade volleyball
CMS Athletics: Please note the following changes in the CMS Football Schedule: The game scheduled for tomorrow (9/2) vs. Lisbon has been postponed. This game has been moved to Wednesday (10/20) at home @ 7:00 pm. Have a great day & Go Clips!
over 3 years ago, Jason Martin
CMS: Correction - On the CMS Fall Newsletter in-service day is listed on October 15th and October 26th. There is only a teacher in-service day on October 15th. There is no school for students on October 15th. October 26th is a regular day of school. I apologize for the confusion. Thank you, have a great day & Go Clips!
over 3 years ago, Jason Martin
CMS: The CMS Fall 2021 Newsletter can now be found at: Have a great day & Go Clips!
over 3 years ago, Jason Martin
CMS: Please click the below link for more information regarding free breakfast and lunch for all students during the 2021-2022 academic year. Go Clips!
over 3 years ago, Jason Martin
Free Meals Information
CMS: Just a reminder that we are in need of start of the year paperwork back. This includes emergency medical forms, acceptable use policies, free/reduce lunch forms, etc. Reminder that all students will receive a free breakfast and lunch if interested. It is still beneficial for the district for parents to fill out these forms. Please let us know if you have any questions (330-482-5354). Have a great day & Go Clips!
over 3 years ago, Jason Martin
CMS: We have had a wonderful first week of school. Thank you for your part in making this a success! Picture day at the high school is Wednesday (9/1). Picture day at the middle school has not yet been scheduled. more information will follow when this date has been set. Have a wonderful weekend and Go Clips!
over 3 years ago, Jason Martin
CMS Reminders: Good evening, Clippers! Tomorrow (8/25) is the first day of school for students. We are excited to have you back! The tardy bell for school is 7:40 with 1st period starting at 7:45. The cafeteria doors are open from 7:15 to 7:40. If you arrive after 7:40 use the front entrance. We will continue our staggered dismissal in the afternoons. 2:35 - 5th/6th grade walkers and car riders, 2:40 - 7th/8th grade walkers and car riders, 2:45 - bus riders, students with after school activities, and those leaving with CHS siblings. We will have our class meetings early in the year. Please remember that cell phones/smart devices must be turned off for the duration of the school day. Students may stop in the office if there is a need to communicate home. We will send home all start of year paperwork with students tomorrow. Forms can be found at: Open house/orientation materials are available: Students who have not picked up schedules may stop in the office for their schedule in the morning. Please contact the office if you have any questions (330-482-5354). Have a wonderful start to the school year & Go Clips!
over 3 years ago, Jason Martin
CMS: We apologize for any confusion. Fifth Grade orientation will begin at 4:00pm. All other grade level times are correct. Thank you for your understanding and Go Clips!
over 3 years ago, Jeff Jackson
CMS Reminder: Columbiana Middle School will host our open house/orientation on Monday, August 23rd. 5th grade 4:00, 6th grade 5:00, 7th grade 6:00, 8th Grade 7:00. Attendance is optional. 5th Grade will be conducted as an orientation starting at 5:00 in the CMS cafeteria. Grades 6-8 will be an open house format where you may stop in at any time between your time to pick up schedules, visit lockers, etc. Parking is available in the rear of the building. Please enter through the cafeteria entrance. Nurse Webber will be available on this evening to answer questions and address medication and other health needs for your child. Those who cannot attend may pick up schedules between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm on the 23rd. Student informational packets and start of year forms will be sent home with students on the first day of school. We expect all students to return to traditional learning in the middle school this year, unless the building principal has approved a medical waiver for an alternative educational placement/remote learning. If you have a medical concern that may require a remote learning option, please contact the office to arrange a meeting with the principal to discuss your situation. Please never hesitate to contact us with your questions or concerns at 330-482-5354. Have a wonderful rest of the summer and Go Clips!
over 3 years ago, Jason Martin
CMS: If you are unable to attend orientation/open house on next Monday (8/23), here is a link to some important information: You may also review/print start of year forms by clicking here: Have a great last week of summer. We are looking forward to having our students back. Have a great day & Go Clips!
over 3 years ago, Jason Martin
Good morning, Clippers! Columbiana Middle School will host our open house/orientation on Monday, August 23rd. 5th Grade 4:00, 6th grade 5:00, 7th grade 6:00, 8th Grade 7:00. Attendance is optional. All students are welcome. All students new to the building, including fifth graders are encouraged to join us. Parking is available in the rear of the building. Please enter through the cafeteria entrance. Students will receive schedules, meet teachers, and receive information. Students may bring school supplies to drop off in their homeroom (fifth grade) or lockers (6th-8th grade). Nurse Webber will be available on this evening to answer questions and address medication and other health needs for your child. Those who cannot attend may pick up schedules between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm on the 23rd. We expect all students to return to traditional learning in the middle school this year, unless the building principal has approved a medical waiver for an alternative educational placement/remote learning. If you have a medical concern that may require a remote learning option, please contact the office to arrange a meeting with the principal to discuss your situation. Please never hesitate to contact us with your questions or concerns at 330-482-5354. Have a wonderful rest of the summer and Go Clips!
over 3 years ago, Jason Martin
CMS Reminder: Orientation/Open House evening is scheduled for Monday, August 23rd. 5th Grade Orientation - 4:00 pm 6th Grade Orientation - 5:00 pm 7th Grade Orientation - 6:00 pm 8th Grade Orientation - 7:00 pm First day of school for students is Wednesday, August 25th. We will return to our normal start time of 7:40 building warning bell with 1st period starting at 7:45. CMS will continue our staggered dismissal. 5th and 6th grade walkers and car riders are dismissed at 2:35 daily 7th and 8th grade walkers and car riders are dismissed at 2:40 daily Bus riders, students with after school activities, and students traveling with high school siblings are dismissed at 2:45 daily. Have a great day & Go Clips!
over 3 years ago, Jason Martin
Daily Bell Schedule for CMS
CMS: Save the date: Orientation/Open House for Columbiana Middle School will be held on Monday, August 23rd. 5th Grade: 4:00 pm, 6th Grade: 5:00 pm, 7th Grade: 6:00 pm, 8th Grade: 7:00 pm Have a wonderful day & Go Clips!
over 3 years ago, Jason Martin
CMS: The supply lists for the 2021-2022 academic year have been updated and posted at: Have a wonderful summer & Go Clips!
over 3 years ago, Jason Martin
CMS: We have just a few remaining CMS yearbooks for this year. These are $14 and are available on a first come, first serve basis. Please email Mrs. Baylor at if you are interested. Have a great day & Go Clips!
over 3 years ago, Jason Martin
CMS Reminder: Tomorrow CMS students will be released at approximately 12:45 from their last day of school. I have authorized students to bring technology for the last day of school with parent approval. Summer enrichment students will begin next week for most. Summer enrichment teachers will reach out with any adjustments to the schedule. Have a great evening and Go Clips!
over 3 years ago, Jason Martin