Thank you to the Columbiana Interact Club and Clipper teachers Mrs. Baylor and Mrs. Silver for their help after school yesterday. The Interact members took time after school to assist the Columbiana Rotary with their annual book sale. The students and Club advisors quickly made 3-4 hours of work to set up set up the SALE into about 1 hour. Great Job Clipper Interact members!! Thank you for your community support and keep up the good work!
over 1 year ago, Don Mook
Clipper Interact Club
CMS: A very special thank you to PTO for their donation to update our classrooms with a variety of safety items. PTO has provided the following additional items for our classrooms: First aid kits, whistles, pens, attendance books, clipboards, go bags, hand wipes, headlamps, flashlights, vinyl gloves, toilet paper, go-buckets, cold packs, and escape ladders. Thank you PTO and Go Clips!
over 1 year ago, Jason Martin
Safety Items
CMS 5th Grade Band Reminder: 5th Grade Band Instrument Rental Night: When: Today, Wednesday, August 30, 2023 Time: 6:30 PM Where: High School Band Room We invite parents and caregivers to attend the Instrument Rental Night hosted by Pellegrino Music. Students, parents, and caregivers will be provided information about how to obtain an instrument from Pellegrino Music or Music and Arts. Mr. Miller will also look over any instrument that you may have to ensure that it is in working condition. We hope to see you there. Have a great day & Go Clips!
over 1 year ago, Jason Martin
CMS: Reminder The first day of school is tomorrow (Wednesday, 8/23). The CMS cafeteria doors open for student drop-off at 7:10. Students dropped off after the 7:40 tardy bell must enter through the front of the middle school and sign in at the office. 7th Grade Orientation begins this evening at 4:00 8th Grade Orientation begins this evening at 5:30 Please enter through the cafeteria doors for each event. We are looking forward to a wonderful school year. Have a great evening & Go Clips!
over 1 year ago, Jason Martin
CMS-5th Grade Band Instrument Rental Night: 5th Grade Band Students, Parents, and Caregivers are asked to attend the instrument rental night on Wednesday, August 30, 2023, at 6:30 PM in the HS Band Room. Mr. Miller will present information on how to obtain an instrument from either Pellegrino Music Center located in Canton, Ohio, OR Music and Arts located in Canfield, Ohio. The meeting should last about an hour. If you have any questions between now and the information session, please don't hesitate to contact Mr. Miller at We are looking forward to seeing you soon! Have a great day & Go Clips!
over 1 year ago, Jason Martin
CMS: Student schedules are now available in parent access. You can logon to parent access, click on the schedule link to view student schedules. This inclues the course name, period, and teacher name. You can also access teacher email addresses from this portal by clicking on the "Class Information" option off to the left. If you have more than one student linked to your account, click on the student names at the bottom-left corner of the screen to switch to another student to view their schedule. Have a great day & Go Clips!
over 1 year ago, Jason Martin
CMS: Just a reminder for those who cannot attend the open house/orientation evening, you may pick up schedules on the day of your event between 2:00 and 3:00 in the CMS office. Start of the school year information is also available at: Have a great day & Go Clips!
over 1 year ago, Jason Martin
CMS: Good morning! Please note that although we would love to have everyone attend our orientation/open house events, they are not mandatory. We understand families have other commitments and may not be able to attend. If you cannot attend, feel free to stop in the office on Monday or Tuesday between 2:00 and 3:00 to pick up your schedule and opening day paperwork. We ask those who are attending orientation/open houses to park in the rear of the building and enter through the CMS cafeteria doors. We will start promptly: 5th-Grade Monday (8/21) at 4:00, 6th-Grade Monday (8/21) at 5:30, 7th-Grade Tuesday (8/22) at 4:00, 8th-Grade at 5:30 on Tuesday (8/22). Those with transportation questions may contact Leslie Best, Transportation Coordinator (330-692-9178). Have a great day & Go Clips!
over 1 year ago, Jason Martin
The Columbiana Exempted Village School District is looking for reliable and dedicated substitutes to support our schools. If you are interested in learning what it takes to get on board with our schools as a substitute, please contact Rachel Wixey & Associates at 419-725-9499.
over 1 year ago, Don Mook
CMS: Good morning, Clippers! Just a few reminders: Please remember to update your Clipper App settings to include building notifications. Monday (8/21): 5th grade orientation at 4:00, 6th grade orientation at 5:30 Tuesday (8/22): 7th grade open house at 4:00, 8th grade open house at 5:30 Wednesday (8/23): First day of school! For privacy reasons, CMS will not post class lists on the door moving forward. We will hand out schedules during open house/orientation events. We will also turn on parent access on Friday (8/18) at 3:00. You can see your child's schedule, including 1st period/homeroom in the parent access portal at that time. Enjoy the rest of summer! Have a great day & Go Clips!
over 1 year ago, Jason Martin
A reminder about Pancakes for Prindle and Caron: A pancake breakfast fundraiser to benefit Janet Prindle and Stacey Caron will take place this Sunday, July 9th at CHS in the commons from 10:00am - Noon . All proceeds from the pancake breakfast will go toward continuing care for their cancer treatment. Please help us help Janet and Stacey! Please check out the flyer attached to this message! We look forward to seeing you! Thank you!!
over 1 year ago, Don Mook
Pancakes for Prindle and Caron
Pancakes for Prindle and Caron: A pancake breakfast fundraiser to benefit Janet Prindle and Stacey Caron will take place Sunday, July 9th at CHS in the commons from 10:00am - Noon . All proceeds from the pancake breakfast will go toward continuing care for their cancer treatment. Please help us help Janet and Stacey! Please check out the flyer attached to this message! We look forward to seeing you! Thank you!!
over 1 year ago, Don Mook
Pancakes for Prindle and Caron
Please take a look at this amazing opportunity for our students (up to grade 5). Go Clips!
over 1 year ago, Jason Martin
STEAM University
Columbiana Middle School wishes everyone a safe and enjoyable summer. Congratulations to our Class of 2027 as you move to the high school. We will miss you! Go Clips!
almost 2 years ago, Jason Martin
Class of 2027
CMS: A very special thank you to PTO for the amazing field day opportunity for our CMS students. More pictures to follow... Go Clips!
almost 2 years ago, Jason Martin
Field Day 2023
CMS Reminder: Mandatory Parent/Athlete meeting for cross country on 5/24 at 7 PM in the high school commons. Students entering 5th-12th grade in the fall are eligible to participate. Schedules and required paperwork will be handed out during the meeting. Have a great day & Go Clips!
almost 2 years ago, Jason Martin
CMS: Great job to Mrs. Cowan and all of our CMS choral programs. Absolutely amazing job at our spring concerts. Keep Singing & Go Clips!
almost 2 years ago, Jason Martin
Spring Choral Concert
CMS: Our fifth-grade students dazzled us with their wonderful skills during the fifth-grade talent show. Thank you all for sharing your talents with us. Great job & Go Clips!
almost 2 years ago, Jason Martin
Talent Show
CMS Reminder: Mandatory Marching Band Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at 6:00 PM in the HS Auditorium. This meeting is for all incoming 8th - 12th grade band students and their parents/caregivers. You will receive all the required paperwork. Please bring insurance information, other student information, and a pen. Have a great day & Go Clips!
almost 2 years ago, Jason Martin
CMS: Reminder that on Thursday (5/25) we will have a three-hour early release for CMS students for the last day of school. Walkers and bus riders will be dismissed between 11:35-11:40 and buses will drop students off approximately 3 hours earlier than usual on Thursday. Also, a reminder that Monday is extreme Clipper Day. Have a great weekend and Go Clips!
almost 2 years ago, Jason Martin