CHS: Attendance Reminders – Traditional students are expected to be in school daily. These students may only utilize remote learning options if they are required to stay home based on Health Department Covid-19 Protocols per the school nurse.
Daily attendance is taken first period (including remote students). Traditional and remote students not attending their first period class on time will also be marked absent for the day. If a student (traditional or remote) cannot attend class, a parent note or formal excuse must be sent to Mrs. Ulam in order to be excused.
Thank you for your understanding as we strive to safely and efficiently operate on a daily basis.
CHS: The Band/Choir Century Resources Fundraiser Delivery schedule for today, November 3, 2020 has been rescheduled for a day next week. More information will be sent home once a specific date has been determined. Thank you!
The district volleyball game will broadcasted on YSN @ at 1pm!
Best wishes to our Volleyball and Boys' Soccer teams today as they complete for district titles! Soccer can be viewed at no charge on at 1pm. Go Clippers!
Tomorrow's Division III Boys Soccer District Championship Game will be streamed live on YSN at no charge. The game will be played on Saturday, October 31, 2020 at 1:00 pm against Mooney. Go to to see the game. Go Clippers!
Congratulations to Clipper Senior Gabe Heinrich on being selected as a MaxPreps/United Soccer Coaches High School Player of the Week! (See link below).
CHS Only - Reminder, this Friday will be a remote practice day. High school students (remote and traditional) will remain at home and attend classes virtually following their normal Friday schedule. The purpose of this day is to practice/troubleshoot remote learning procedures in the event that full remote learning needs to be implemented at some point during the remainder of the school year. Again, this practice day is for high school students only. Thank you!
Any student needing breakfast and/or lunch next Friday, Oct. 23, for the CHS Remote Practice Day should see Mrs. Minamyer in the cafeteria by the end of the day Friday, Oct. 16, so she can properly prepare. Thank you!
Picture retake/makeup day will be Tuesday, Oct. 13. Students getting pictures retaken should bring their original pictures for return. Remote students desiring to have their picture taken/retaken should report to CHS between 8AM and 9AM. Also, pictures are now available in the CHS office for remote students to pick-up before 2:30PM daily.
On Fri., Oct. 23, CHS will be implementing a remote practice day. High school students (remote and traditional) will remain at home and attend classes virtually following their normal Friday schedule. The purpose of this day is to practice/troubleshoot remote learning procedures in the event that full remote learning needs to be implemented at some point during the remainder of the school year. Again, this practice day on Oct. 23 is for high school students only.
11th and 12th Grade: FAFSA Opens on Thursday October 1st. Need assistance with the FAFSA? YSU will be hosting 2 Virtual Financial Aid Sessions Wednesday October 21st, 2020 at 6:30pm --OR-- Tuesday October 27th, 2020 at 6:30pm. You MUST register for this event at If you have any questions please see Mrs. Cleghorn in the Counselor's Office.
Tomorrow's CHS Fall Homecoming Ceremony link will be sent out at approximately 10AM for live viewing! See you then!
Fall conferences will be held October 1 from 3pm-9pm. Please call the CHS Office at 330-482-3818 between September 28 and noon on Oct. 1 to schedule a conference. Thank you!
TEXT @CHSSEN2021 to 81010.
Homecoming is next week! See below for spirit day themes. Go Clippers!
CHS Seniors
Please - Join the Senior Class Remind @CHSSEN2021
Thank you!
CHS Remote Students,
We hope this finds you having success as a remote student as we near the midpoint of the first grading period. Please be reminded that even as a remote student, the expectations outlined in the CHS Student Handbook still apply (ex., dress code, attendance, etc). If you plan on being absent, your parent/guardian should call you off prior to the absence. When returning, an email or note should be sent to Mrs. Ulam from your parent/guardian within 48 hours of the absence. If you have formal documentation of an absence (ex., doctor’s excuse), it needs to be emailed or faxed to Mrs. Ulam in the high school office. As soon as possible following your absence, contact your teachers and kindly request instructions for makeup work. Please see pages 5-7 in the student handbook for attendance procedures. Thank you!
Picture packets should be coming home today with your child for school pictures, which will be taken this Thursday, Sept. 10.
For remote and online learners, please report to the band room doors between 11:30AM and 4PM . Forms will be available on-site prior to getting your picture taken. If you cannot make it during the specified window and need to come prior to 11:30AM, you will need to enter through the front doors. However, we highly encourage you to arrive between 11:30 and 4:00. Thank you!
Next week is Senior Fall Spirit Week at CHS!
Football home opener at Firestone Park!
Thanks to everyone who helped make today a success across the district!