CHS, CMS, Athletics We wanted to recognize our female athletes on National Girls and Women in Sports Day. Click the link below to watch a video of our high school and middle school female athletes.
almost 4 years ago, Julie Bercik
CHS Homecoming spirit is coming to CHS next week! Go Clippers!
almost 4 years ago, Jeff Jackson
HOCO Spirit Week
CHS As we look forward to having you back, here's the schedule for next week: Monday: No School Tuesday: Periods 1-9 Wednesday: Normal Wednesday Blocked Schedule Thursday: Normal Thursday Blocked Schedule Friday: Normal Friday Schedule (Periods 1-9) Have a great weekend!
almost 4 years ago, Jeff Jackson
CHS Guess what? WE’RE COMING BACK, CLIPPERS! Columbiana High School is excited to welcome students back for in-person learning on January 19. All health and safety protocols remain in place. Everyone needs to follow all of the protocols in order to continue with in-person learning five days a week. Everyone is required to wear a face mask or face covering, and it MUST cover your nose and mouth. The first day back is also the start of the second semester which means you might have different classes, so please be aware of your schedule. Parents selecting a remote option for education should communicate this intention to your student’s school office staff before January 19. (Please note the CHS Office is closed on January 18 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.) This choice should be made for the entire third nine weeks: January 19 through March 19. Furthermore, the National School Lunch Program has been extended until further notice, providing breakfasts and lunches to students at no charge. We know this hasn’t been a normal school year, but we are eager to start discussing big school events and activities like Homecoming Court, Spirit Week and Senior activities. We hope to see many of you back in the classroom on January 19!
almost 4 years ago, Jeff Jackson
CHS Students, please see the link below for our midterm schedule this week. Please note, normal 5th, 6th, and 9th period classes are still scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Jeff Jackson
CHS Reminder - Next week is midterm exam week. Please follow the link below for the daily schedule. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Jeff Jackson
CHS: Clipper Parents - Please follow the link below for a document from the School Counseling Department. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Jeff Jackson
CHS: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our family to yours!
about 4 years ago, Jeff Jackson
Good morning from CHS! Tomorrow (Fri., Dec. 18), we will be operating on our "normal" Friday schedule, where you will remotely attend all of your classes. Until then, enjoy the snow day and be safe!
about 4 years ago, Jeff Jackson
CHS Students - The High School will be operating on a normal Friday schedule this coming Friday, Dec. 4. You will remotely attend all nine periods as you would on a typical Friday.
about 4 years ago, Jeff Jackson
Parents(s) of Athlete(s): Please use the following link to access the "Return to Sports" form if applicable:
about 4 years ago, Jeff Jackson
Clipper Logo
Clipper Parents and Athletes - In the ever-changing landscape of athletics, we have made another adjustment for ticket purchasing. Thank you for bearing with us as you read along. We have moved back to purchasing tickets pre-sale through the coaches (coaches will be communicating this to players when they see them next). Home games - ALL TICKETS ARE $5.00 Seniors and Juniors may purchase 4 tickets 7th, 8th, Freshman and Sophomores may purchase 2 tickets Away games - ALL LEAGUE TICKETS ARE $5.00 All athletes may purchase 2 tickets
about 4 years ago, Jeff Jackson
CHS Parent(s): If your student was scheduled to take End of Course Exams starting this week, they have been moved to next week. Exams will begin Monday December 7th. Students needing to test have been emailed their new test dates. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Cleghorn. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Jeff Jackson
CHS We hope the coming days will provide some much-needed time to safely relax with your families. Please use the link below to access tips for a safe Thanksgiving, provided by our Health Department.
about 4 years ago, Jeff Jackson
CHS Parents of high school students - With remote learning in effect for CHS students beginning tomorrow, Nov. 18, you must call your child off sick or email formal documentation to Mrs. Ulam if he/she is unable attend classes for the day. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Jeff Jackson
CHS, CMS For students and families in grades 7-12: If you missed our Virtual CCP Informational Session with YSU and EGCC, please access the link provided to view the recording. If you have questions and would like to schedule a time to meet with Mrs. Cleghorn, please call the High School Guidance Office. Link to recording of CCP Session:
about 4 years ago, Jeff Jackson
CHS, CMS Reminder to all students and families in 7th-12th grade-- Our Virtual CCP Informational Session is tonight at 6pm with YSU and EGCC. If you have not signed up, and would like to attend, please email Mrs. Cleghorn prior to the event in order to join the session using the link provided which will go live at 6pm! Students and Parents already signed up may use the link to join at 6pm tonight! We look forward to seeing you there! Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Jeff Jackson
CHS, CMS 7th -12th grade students interested in participating in CCP for the 2021-2022 School Year, please join us for a Virtual CCP Informational Session with YSU and EGCC this Monday November 16th, 2020 from 6:00-8:00pm! The link provided to join this meeting on Monday will go live by 5:30pm: If you plan to participate in this session, Mrs. Cleghorn is requesting that you email her ( no later than Monday November 16th, 2020 by Noon to sign up with the following information: Student Name and Current Grade, Parents Name (Those who are planning to attend the meeting), and Best Email and Phone Number to be reached following the informational session. We look forward to seeing you there!
about 4 years ago, Jeff Jackson
Due to Covid-19, we will not be conducting our 2020 Mandatory Parent/Player meeting in person. Each player will be provided a hard copy of the OHSAA PowerPoint Presentation (link also below) and the Columbiana Athletic Guidelines from his/her coach. Each parent/player must view the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Video (link below). Athletes must return the Handbook/OHSAA Form and the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Form with both parent and athlete signatures. These forms will be provided by each coach. Link to PowerPoint Link to Video
about 4 years ago, Jeff Jackson
CHS and CMS Remote Students - We are experiencing a temporary power outage. Please stand by, as power should be back on shortly. Thank you.
about 4 years ago, Jeff Jackson