Joshua Dixon:The Power of Positive Parenting will be presented on Wed. 12/5/18 at 6 pm by Bobbie Castor, Triple P Facilitator & Parent Ed. Coord. Childcare will be available and the class with the most parents in attendance will win an ice cream party!
over 6 years ago, Kim Sharshan
Dec. 5, 2018 Parenting Seminar-6:00 pm. Invites went home prior to Thanksgiving Break. Please RSVP! There will be door prizes, light refreshments and NJHS will offer child care. The class with the highest attendance will win a treat. We hope to see you there.
over 6 years ago, Kim Sharshan
Dec. 5, 2018 1st-4th Grade will be walking to Main Street Theater to see A Christmas Carol. Permission slips will be coming home this week! Please watch for them in your child's back pack.
over 6 years ago, Kim Sharshan
Joshua Dixon Reminder: This evening is Parent-Teacher Conference Night from 3:00-9:00. Appointment times were sent home with report cards. If you did not sign-up for a conference, please feel free to contact your child's teacher.
over 6 years ago, Kim Sharshan
Joshua Dixon: Reminder that tomorrow, Friday 11/16/18 is an Early Release Day. Walkers and Car Riders will be dismissed at 1:05 and Bus Riders will load between 1:10-1:30.
over 6 years ago, Kim Sharshan
Joshua Dixon: District-Wide Veteran's Day Program Friday, Nov. 9, 2018 at 9:30 am. Please be sure you send in your child's permission slip to attend this event at CHS. We will be going over on school buses.
over 6 years ago, Kim Sharshan
Joshua Dixon:Fall Fun Day-Fri. Oct. 26. Parade of Costumes begins at 2:00. Families are invited to watch. There is no classroom party. PTO is providing a treat for students and they will be dismissed at regular time. No need for parents to come to rooms or to sign students out.
over 6 years ago, Kim Sharshan
Dixon: Oct. 22-26 Red Ribbon Week
over 6 years ago, Kim Sharshan
Dixon Red Ribbon Week
SPIRIT WEEK AT DIXON-OCT. 8-12 Mon. 10/8-Hat Day! Tues. 10/9-Super Hero Day! Wed. 10/10-Crazy Hair Day! Thurs. 10/11-Red/White and “Blue” Jean Day! Fri. 10/12-Extreme Clipper Wear Day!
over 6 years ago, Kim Sharshan
Reminder that Oct. 1-5 is our annual Fall Book Fair including Lunch w. a Loved One. Kdg. 10/1, 1st Grade 10/2, 2nd Grade 10/3. 3rd Grade 10/4 and 4th Grade 10/5. Family Literacy Night is Monday, October 1, 2018 from 5:00-7:00 pm.
over 6 years ago, Kim Sharshan
Reminder: Today (9/17) is picture day for PreK-2 and tomorrow (9/18) for grades 3-4.
over 6 years ago, Kim Sharshan
Joshua Dixon: Buses 3 and 6 are running late this afternoon, Friday, September 14, 2018.
over 6 years ago, Kim Sharshan
Due to a portion of Metz Rd. being closed for the next two weeks, those families who have students riding Bus #8 may see time changes by a few minutes in the AM and PM.
over 6 years ago, Kim Sharshan
Due to an issue at State Routes 7 & 14, Bus #1 is running late today Wed. 9/12/18.
over 6 years ago, Kim Sharshan
Reminder: It's Grandparents Week at Joshua Dixon. Kindergarten was today, Prek and First Grade Tues. 9/11, Second Grade Wed. 9/12, Third Grade Thurs. 9/13 and 4th Grade is Fri. 9/14. Thank you PTO for sponsoring this event. We appreciate you!
over 6 years ago, Kim Sharshan
Dixon students will have an opportunity to purchase presale tickets for the 9/7/18 home football game for $4/ea. The tickets are $6 at the gate. If you are interested, please send the money to school in an envelope with their name and how many STUDENT tickets are needed.
over 6 years ago, Kim Sharshan
Sept. 6 & 7 Columbiana's Annual Street Fair set up may cause some bus delays. Please plan accordingly.
over 6 years ago, Kim Sharshan
Reminder: There is NO SCHOOL tomorrow 8/30/18 (Staff Inservice) and NO SCHOOL Fri. 8/31/18 or Mon. 9/3/18 (Labor Day Break). Classes resume Tues. 9/4/18.
over 6 years ago, Kim Sharshan
Parents dropping off and picking up students- please remember to not park in the side lot as buses need access in and out of the alley way, additionally, there is no parking in the fire lane out front. Thank you for understanding and creating a safe environment for our kids.
over 6 years ago, Kim Sharshan
Welcome Preschool and Kindergarten Students!
over 6 years ago, Kim Sharshan