Good evening Dixon Families! First, thank you to those of you that continue to follow our dismissal protocols. We realize that these protocols are not always convenient but the safety of our students is our first priority. We appreciate your support as we release students to you as safely as possible. Unfortunately, we are finding the need to once again send the following reminders: students are not to be designated as a walker if they are walking to cars in other lots or if you meet them at the door and walk them to your car. They are walkers if they walk from the school straight to a home. Effective Monday Sept. 13, any student being dismissed as a walker must provide a letter with an address to the location where they are walking. We will be dismissing walkers using a walker checklist at the front door at dismissal to add an additional layer of safety. If you drive your vehicle to pick up your student(s), you must use the car rider pick up line. We realize that often, relatives will pick up students. Please let them know of these protocols. Together we can ensure that all of our students are arriving home safely. With much appreciation, Mrs. Freedy and Mrs. Sharshan
Clipper Families,
Please follow the link below for information related to upcoming NWEA MAP testing that will be taking place in your child's classrooms, particularly as it relates to gifted identification. Thank you for helping to ensure a great start to our school year!
THANK YOU to our parents for your proactive approach to wellness in our schools. We have had several positive cases of COVID that have had very little impact to the student body and staff. This is attributed to your diligence to keeping your children home when they have symptoms of illness. This also reduces the spread to other illnesses in our schools. If you have any questions or concerns about the wellness of your child, our nurses are available by phone or in person. Our dashboard indicating COVID positive cases will be updated on the schools web-page. Thank you again for your help controlling the spread of all illnesses in our schools. Keep up the good work!!
CHS Band performing at the Canfield Fair!
Hi Clippers!
We are proud to introduce a new series: "Working in the Classroom Wednesday!" We will produce several per month and debut them on Wednesdays. The installments will feature content of unique, impactful lessons and work being done inside the classroom that will prepare our students for success outside of the classroom as well.
This week's feature is the High School Marching Band/Class. With Football season well underway, the band is back in the classroom and on the field providing the timeless sounds of "Friday Night Lights". After a year of uncertainty, it is music to our ears!
COPY/PASTE the below link into your browser. (NOTE: for best results, use desktop or tablet device). https://www.canva.com/design/DAEolBeNvAY/w46jv47T_bca8HnWCrN2vQ/watch?utm_content=DAEolBeNvAY&utm_campaign=designshare&ut
Attention Clippers: The Ohio Department of Health has issued a face mask research for your your review. Please see the attached link for the literature: https://5il.co/y8nu
New K12 Quarantine in Ohio Guidelines from the Ohio Department of Health. Please see the attached link: https://5il.co/y8h7
Our youngest Clippers had their first day of school today! Have a great year, Pre K and Kindergarten! https://www.canva.com/design/DAEol3jnXZE/h4puj-nY9Ak_zYiBbiYHdQ/watch?utm_content=DAEol3jnXZE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink
Attention Clippers: Two positive COVID cases have been identified at Columbiana High School and the Columbiana Career and Technical Center. All close contacts have been notified. All confirmed cases will be tracked beginning with the 1st day of school through the last day of school on the main webpage: NEWS
Reminder: In order to not be a close contact and face possible quarantine from the Department of Health, please wear a mask or get vaccinated. Please see the flow chart: https://5il.co/k87r New guidelines from the governor’s office/Department of Health are scheduled to be released this week.
Parents: Please do not send children to school with symptoms of any illness. Our school nurses are available to assist you with symptoms of illness. Students must be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school. Thank you!
Attention Clippers:
A positive COVID case has been identified at South Side Middle School. All close contacts have been notified. All confirmed cases will be tracked beginning with the 1st day of school through the last day of school on the main webpage: NEWS
Reminder: Absolutely do not send children to school with symptoms of any illness. Students must be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school. Thank you!
Welcome Back, Clips! We had a great first few days! Here are the Sights and Sounds of the First Day of School: https://www.canva.com/design/DAEoHRwAHZw/ceEMeq10ny2Vlb5uhtUaBQ/watch?utm_content=DAEoHRwAHZw&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink
(Copy/paste link from above into your browser. For best results view on tablet or desktop)
Attention Clipper Parents:
The National School Lunch Program is providing lunches for all students at no cost this school year. Breakfast and Lunch are free to your children! Our nutrition supervisor, Tina Minamyer, would love to have all of our children take advantage of this program offering this year. Our lunch menus can be located here: https://columbianak12.nutrislice.com/menus-eula
We are looking forward to the first day of school!!
School Transportation:
Federal Law has mandated that any individuals riding a school bus is required to wear a mask. Medical exemptions may be provided to the building principal. Additionally, the transportation director, Mrs. Best, has added more than 100 students to this school year’s routes which has changed many of the pickup and drop off times. You should expect new emails and times will go out by Monday. Please have your child to the bus stop approximately 15 minutes early for the first few weeks until a consistent time has been established. We have local construction happening which may also disrupt the times of the routes. Be patient with the process until we settle into that consistent routine. Thank you! We are looking forward to seeing our students!!
Dear Clippers,
School is just around the corner, and we are looking forward to the start of the year. We would like to remind parents and students that the district is recommending that all unvaccinated students and staff wear masks to eliminate the possibility of quarantines from an exposure to any individuals with COVID-19. The link provided should provide insightful information to the types of masks that will be most beneficial to individuals that wear them. https://5il.co/xjsy Please note that masks indicated as anti-mask masks will not eliminate individuals from the prospects of quarantine. This type of mask is identified in the link.
The State of Ohio has contracted with a private company, PCG, to handle isolations and quarantines. An individual will not be quarantined if identified as a close contact in our classrooms while wearing a mask or if the individual has been vaccinated. Please see the link to the Ohio Department of Health Quarantine flow chart: https://5il.co/wsa3 Our nursing staff will not be responsible for quarantining individuals. They will work directly with PCG and/or the local health departments to identify close contacts with an exposure. Phone calls from PCG will indicate they are associated with the health department. The nursing staff and principals have the authority to exclude any individual student, staff member or visitor who show symptoms of any communicable disease. They also have the authority to require masks for individuals who have been exposed or show any signs of illness. We appreciate your cooperation with them.
Please do not come to the school or school events with any illness, and please do not send students who are ill to school. We hope to keep our in person schooling and extra-curricular activities open. We need your assistance to make this happen. Please wear a mask if you are unvaccinated in our school facilities.
Thank you for your assistance on behalf of the Board of Education and Columbiana Staff.
We have installed an update to the transportation software that allows bus schedules to be sent to you via email as opposed to regular mail. It is scheduled to be sent either today or tomorrow.
If your child needs transportation and you do not receive an email with that information or it is incorrect please call the transportation supervisor Leslie Best at 330-692-9178 or email her at leslie.best@columbianaschools.org. She will respond as soon as possible.
Have a great day & Go Clips!
Dear Clippers,
We would like to share an update in regards to the continued information received to keep you informed about district decisions during the 2021-22 school year.
As the district continues to meet with the health department, other area schools and receives correspondence from the Ohio Department of Health pertaining to the pandemic, we will pass along important information. An important measure from the Ohio Department of Health was issued regarding the guidelines for quarantines. We are providing a link to the “Guidelines for Quarantine after Exposure in K-12 Classroom Settings” here: https://5il.co/wsa3. The flow chart identifies the importance of wearing masks and being vaccinated. Both mask wearing during school and/or vaccination provide protection from quarantine due to exposure in school. Please read the Department Guidelines. To minimize the risk of exposure, it is in the best interest of our school community to follow the recommendations of the Ohio Department of Health.
Additionally, the district plans to continue to address the whole health and wellness of the district. We ask that if your child is ill with any symptoms consistent with cold, flu or COVID that they remain at home until they have no symptoms for 24 hours. This is one of the major factors, if not the most important factor, in mitigating illness in our school community.
The district will provide face shields and/or masks to any students who do not have one. Face coverings will be important for one on one instruction and group work. In order to return to our high level of best instructional practices, we will be counting on each person in our school community to cooperate with safety protocols.
We are looking forward to welcoming back our students next week and will continue to pass along new and informative details as they become available.
Thank you and Go Clippers!!
Good morning. Welcome back! This message is intended for parents of students who receive Special Education, 504 or English Language services through Columbiana Ex. Village SD. For the 21-22 school year we will be offering video conferencing, teleconferencing and face to face options for our annual IEP, 504, and EL plan as well as ETR meetings. Your student's Intervention Specialist, or myself, will be reaching out to you upon the documents due date to determine your preferred means of meeting. In preparation for this, please make sure your email and phone number are updated with the district. Enjoy the remainder of the summer and we will see you soon!
Clipper Families,
Please be reminded that, again this year, all students are eligible to receive free breakfasts and lunches. Follow the link below for additional information. Thank you!
Hello Clippers: The Columbiana Exempted Village Return to School Plan for the 2021-22 school year is available on the district website. Link: https://5il.co/ws9q
The plan includes detailed information regarding the safety and health protocols recommended to start our school year this fall. Changes have been coming daily, and we will update our plan as we receive them. Building level details including starting and ending times will be posted through principal notifications. Additional details about each of our distinctively different buildings and grade levels will follow. We are looking forward to the new school year and cannot wait to see our students! Thank you and Go Clips!
Job Fair Follow-up:
Only participating businesses need to register using the link previously shared (also below). Individuals seeking employment may simply attend (no registration needed)! Thank you!