On Tuesday March 3, 2020 K8LPS received a hands- on lab in LEOS (Low Earth Orbiting Satellite) communication. Students assembled a UHF/VHF satellite antenna and learned how to work radios for uplink and downlink duplexing modes for amateur radio satellite communication.
K8LPS was also visited by Anthony Luscre, K8ZT, ARRL Youth Coordinator for the State of Ohio. Mr. Luscre spoke to students about youth in amateur radio and provided Morse code keying project kits for the students to build for a future electronics project. Mr. Luscre presented a donated vintage, but operable HF transceiver to the club. Mr. Luscre complimented K8LPS on our growing, active and successful youth STEM and Amateur Radio program at Columbiana Middle School and High School. K8LPS is was one of only a few programs of its kind in the state and is one of the most active youth radio organizations in the State!
On March 6th, K8LPS received a first HF contact award from Alan Fitzsimmons, W4ANT, a Columbiana alumni who currently resides in S. Carolina.
Congratulations K8LPS!