Go Clippers!
CHS is ready to begin the day with spirit!
Football game themes have been set for the upcoming season! Go Clippers!
Students entering grades 10-12 may pick up schedules on Fri., Aug. 16 from 8AM-2PM in the CHS office. Freshmen and new students will receive schedules at orientation on Thur., Aug. 15 at 5PM. Thank you!
Please see attached flyer for an offering later this summer to help students enter next school year a fraction ahead!
Thank you to all who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country and freedom.
This is the final week to purchase prom tickets for this year's "Under the Sea" dance! Tickets are $35/person, $70/couple. RESERVED seating tickets for Grand March are $5, which begins at 5pm on April 26th!
Families of 11th Grade Students: It has come to our attention that ACT scores from the March 12th Statewide Testing have been released to ACT Student Accounts. We have contacted ACT regarding this. If students have previously taken the ACT and created ACT accounts for previous National Testing, the scores will be released quicker than the average 2-6 week window (scores should be in the office on or before May 7th). The school does not have ACT Student IDs or codes, therefore cannot access online score reports. We will make sure to release scores to ALL 11th grade students when we receive score reports. Please understand we are following the guidelines given to us by ACT. If you have any questions, please contact the Guidance Office.
Good luck to Nate Whitehead and Brandt Virden this weekend at the Ohio High School Wrestling State Championships!
Sophomore Families: The CCCTC will be hosting an Open House this Thursday March 7th from 5:00pm-7:00pm. This a great opportunity for you and your student(s) to get on campus to meet instructors and see what all the Career Center has to offer! Questions, call Mrs. Cleghorn in the Guidance Office.
Tomorrow, Friday, March 1st, all sophomores will be visiting the CCCTC. We will leave CHS at 9:30am and return by 1:45pm. All students will be back for the last period of the day. Please remember to make sure your student packs a lunch or brings money to purchase lunch. Cost of lunch is $2.55.
Attention Seniors: Please review listed scholarship deadlines. Updates will be made as new scholarships come into the office.
On March 12, CHS will be having a 3-hour delay for grades 9, 10 and 12. Juniors will report at regular time to take the ACT at no charge. Buses will run at regular time. Students who are not able to report to school between 10:30AM and 10:40AM will need to utilize busing at the regular time. A study hall will be provided in the auditorium for these students. Thank you!
Please be reminded that tomorrow, Feb. 20, CHS will be having a 3-hour delay for grades 9, 10 and 12. Juniors will report at regular time to take the ACT at no charge. Buses will run at regular time. Students who are not able to report to school between 10:30AM and 10:40AM will need to utilize busing at the regular time. A study hall will be provided in the auditorium for these students. Thank you!
CCP Participation for the 19-20 School Year: YSU and KSU will host an Application Day/Evening at CHS on Thursday February 14th. YSU will be here in the AM from 8:00am-9:00am and KSU will be here from 6:00pm-7:00pm on Thursday evening in the Chrome Lab. Anyone interested in participating or in need of more info, please contact the Guidance Office.
There will be a mandatory parent meeting for all seniors who are going to New York City. The meeting will be Thursday, Feb. 14 at 7 pm in the media center.
Vote for Clipper basketball player Kayla Muslovski in the "Big Dogs of the Valley" contest! Go to ysnlive.com, click on "Big Dogs of the Valley" and vote for Kayla by Wed., Feb. 6 at midnight! You may vote as many times as you'd like!
The winter homecoming dance will be held as scheduled for Saturday, Feb 2., 8-11pm.
Columbiana students may buy tickets at tonights game and at the door Saturday night. Tickets are $12 each. Any students attending from another school and who have the completed/signed form but not yet turned in, can bring those forms to the dance.
Arrangements can be made for non-Columbiana students to submit uncompleted forms at the door as well, but those students and their dates
must contact Ms. Sant or Mrs.Tirpak in advance.
All students must arrive at the dance by 8:00 pm.
Dress with your winter homecoming spirit this week!
Due to inclement weather and midterm exam schedule adjustments, report cards will be going home on Monday, January 28 rather than Friday, January 25. Thanks for your understanding!