We are so excited to release our next Connecting with the Clippers series, a spotlight on the Class of 2021. CHS seniors talk about their high school memories, future plans after graduation, and all of the activities they participated in during their high school career at CHS. The videos will be released in a series. Congratulations to the Columbiana High School Class of 2021! Please click on the link below to see the video. We will send similar notifications when more videos are released
We are so excited to release our next Connecting with the Clippers series, a spotlight on the Class of 2021. CHS seniors talk about their high school memories, future plans after graduation, and all of the activities they participated in during their high school career at CHS. The videos will be released in a series. Congratulations to the Columbiana High School Class of 2021! Please click on the link below to see the video. We will send similar notifications when more videos are released.
We are so excited to release our next Connecting with the Clippers series, a spotlight on the Class of 2021. CHS seniors talk about their high school memories, future plans after graduation, and all of the activities they participated in during their high school career at CHS. The videos will be released in a series. Congratulations to the Columbiana High School Class of 2021! Please click on the link below to see the video. We will send similar notifications when more videos are released.
CHS Senior Year-End Information
Seniors and Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
Please follow the link below for important information regarding the senior year-end schedule, graduation, and other important details! There are three pages to this document, so please read them all. Thank you!
CHS Group Picture Day Tomorrow:
Group pictures will be taken tomorrow at CHS! For remote students involved in clubs or activities throughout the year, you are invited to come to school tomorrow morning, attend your classes here throughout the day, and be included in pictures. Thank you!
The Columbiana Exempted Village School District students have a special message for their teachers for Teacher Appreciation Week. The district is thankful for its dedicated and amazing teaching staff!
Click on the link below to hear thank you messages from K-12 students.
CHS Prom Grand March Program - Follow the link below!
CHS Prom Parents,
Please follow the link below for important information regarding tomorrow's prom. Thank you!
CHS AP Announcement:
High School Students and Families: If your student is taking AP courses this school year, the window for AP exams begins Monday May 3rd, 2021. We will begin testing on Monday with AP Government, AP Calc BC on Tuesday and AP Lit on Wednesday. Students taking exams need to report to the school to the Library on their scheduled test day(s) by 7:45am. Exams will begin promptly at 8:00am. No late entry will be permitted. If you have question, please see Mrs. Cleghorn. Thank you!
We are so excited to launch our Connecting with the Clippers series, a spotlight on the Class of 2021. CHS seniors talk about their high school memories, future plans after graduation, and all of the activities they participated in during their high school career at CHS. The videos will be released in a series. Congratulations to the Columbiana High School Class of 2021! Please click on the link below to the see the first video. We will send similar notifications when more videos are released. https://youtu.be/lx-zJ2wOboI
CHS Seniors,
If you have not yet submitted your video for the "Connecting With the Clippers" series, you will need to do so by Friday, April 30. Please follow the link below for instructions. Thank you!
We are so excited to launch our Connecting with the Clippers series, a spotlight on the Class of 2021. CHS seniors talk about their high school memories, future plans after graduation, and all of the activities they participated in during their high school career at CHS. The videos will be released in a series. Congratulations to the Columbiana High School Class of 2021! Please click on the link below to the see the first video. We will send similar notifications when more videos are released.
Attention CHS Families,
The Mahoning County Health Department is making plans to facilitate the administration of the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine to individuals 16-18 YEARS OF AGE. A consent form along with a fact sheet for recipients and caregivers can be found using the links below. Hard copies of the consent form may also be picked up in the CHS office. If interested in receiving the vaccine, the consent form, signed by a parent, must be returned to the CHS office no later than Tuesday, April 27. The clinic will run May 3-7 for the first round and three weeks later for the second round. It is unknown, at this point, if Columbiana High School will be chosen as a vaccine clinic. If not, your child will be able to receive the vaccine at a nearby location. Thank you!
CHS Senior Video Instructions:
Please follow the link below for important instructions on upcoming senior videos, scheduled to begin Friday, Apr. 23! These instructions were also sent to your school email address. Thank you!
CHS Prom Ticket Reminder:
Juniors and Seniors - Tomorrow (Monday, April 19) is the last day to buy prom tickets. Tickets are $35 per person or $70 per couple. Thank you!
CHS Senior Parents - Please see attached image for information relating to creating a yearbook ad for your Senior! Create and purchase online by May 15!
CHS Testing Correction:
Geometry testing will take place next Wednesday and Thursday instead of Tuesday and Wednesday, as previously announced. Thank you, and have a great weekend!
CHS State Testing Reminder:
Students taking Algebra 1 will be testing on Monday and Tuesday, please have your Chromebooks charged and bring calculators if you have them. We will have extra Chromebooks and calculators for remote students.
Students taking Geometry will be testing on Tuesday and Wednesday, please have your Chromebooks charged and bring calculators. We will have extra Chromebooks and calculators for remote students.
Thank you!
CHS Seniors and Parents,
Please remember that the 2021 Senior Survey deadline is next Wednesday, April 14th. Thank you to those of you who have already responded to Mrs. Missos. If you haven't submitted responses yet, don't forget!
There will be a zoom meeting on Thursday 4/15 for anyone interested in trying out for HS Cheerleading for the 2021-2022 season. If you will be in grades 9-12 next year and are interested, please email Coach Ferguson at holly.ferguson@columbianaschools.org so she can send you a link to the meeting and add your name to the tryout list. Thank you!