Columbiana High School Marching Band under the direction of Charles Miller and Meg Silver hosted their 4th Annual Clipper Band Showcase on Saturday, August 26, 2023. This project centered around a collaborative recognition of Columbiana First Responders while also paying homage to 9/11. The theme of this year's showcase was designed around uniting under one banner, one anthem, and one cause. In short, "We Band Together" became a message for unity. In a combined effort we invited the police department, fire department, EMS, dispatchers and their families to be honored guests at the show. To conclude the show, all first responders were invited to the field to be recognized and thanked by all participating bands. This recognition concluded with a combined band performance of Rob Grice's, Amazing Grace. With a total of 330 musicians and 14 directors uniting to salute the sacrifice, courage, and commitment to our local community. Both the students and their parents/caregivers were impacted by the event, reinforcing the importance and value of those who serve our community. Congratulations to Columbiana band members for their service through music!
We Band Together
September 6, 2023