
Dear Clippers,

We would like to share an update in regards to the continued information received to keep you informed about district decisions during the 2021-22 school year.

As the district continues to meet with the health department, other area schools and receives correspondence from the Ohio Department of Health pertaining to the pandemic, we will pass along important information.  An important measure from the Ohio Department of Health was issued regarding the guidelines for quarantines.  We are providing a link to the “Guidelines for Quarantine after Exposure in K-12 Classroom Settings” here: https://5il.co/wsa3.   The flow chart identifies the importance of wearing masks and being vaccinated.  Both mask wearing during school and/or vaccination provide protection from quarantine due to exposure in school.  Please read the Department Guidelines. To minimize the risk of exposure, it is in the best interest of our school community to follow the recommendations of the Ohio Department of Health. 

Additionally, the district plans to continue to address the whole health and wellness of the district.  We ask that if your child is ill with any symptoms consistent with cold, flu or COVID that they remain at home until they have no symptoms for 24 hours.  This is one of the major factors, if not the most important factor, in mitigating illness in our school community. 

The district will provide face shields and/or masks to any students who do not have one.  Face coverings will be important for one on one instruction and group work.  In order to return to our high level of best instructional practices, we will be counting on each person in our school community to cooperate with safety protocols. 

We are looking forward to welcoming back our students next week and will continue to pass along new and informative details as they become available. 

Thank you and Go Clippers!!